Team Size:
OpenDoor Games
Too many...
8 months
Unity 3D
Spirits was my thesis project for my Bachelor of Game Design Degree. For this, we formed into teams and simulated a studio environment where we had to make deadlines, hold weekly meetings with mentors, and plan our games showcase at Levelup 2019.
During the development of Spirits, I was the principle designer and sole developer. Being in charge of all the interactive parts of the game is a large task, so the game was designed to take advantage of the talented artists on the team. With many late nights, after 2 entire semesters, we had a final deliverable and showcased Spirits.
Responsibilities included:
Designing level layouts
Designing gameplay loop and mechanics
Designing Boss and its AI behaviours
Animating/Setting up animation trees
Creating shaders and VFX
A breakdown of the level and environment of Spirits
A breakdown of the player character's animation system as well as logic for their mechanics
A breakdown of an AI pattern used to solve a design issue in Spirits
A document that was written alongside the development of Spirits