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The world panics as children begin waking up with psychic powers. The phenomenon is soon out of control as the young minds cannot endure the psychological toll of this great power. It is up to Isaac to save those who succumb.


Team Size:





OpenDoor Games


Too many...

8 months

Unity 3D


Spirits was my thesis project for my Bachelor of Game Design Degree. For this, we formed into teams and simulated a studio environment where we had to make deadlines, hold weekly meetings with mentors, and plan our games showcase at Levelup 2019.


During the development of Spirits, I was the principle designer and sole developer. Being in charge of all the interactive parts of the game is a large task, so the game was designed to take advantage of the talented artists on the team. With many late nights, after 2 entire semesters, we had a final deliverable and showcased Spirits.


Responsibilities included:

  • Designing level layouts

  • Designing gameplay loop and mechanics  

  • Designing Boss and its AI behaviours

  • Animating/Setting up animation trees

  • Creating shaders and VFX


A breakdown of the level and environment of Spirits

A breakdown of the player character's animation system as well as logic for their mechanics

A breakdown of an AI pattern used to solve a design issue in Spirits

A document that was written alongside the development of Spirits

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